Redirect to the originally requested page after django registration and email activation

redirectFor my newly-launched, django-based social shopping site, I have implemented @ubernostrum‘s ubiquitous django-registration 0.7 to handle user registrations.

Recently I completed a Wantbox feature that required me to redirect a new user back to their initially requested, authorization-required page after their registration and email activation. Below are the step-by-steps actions I took to accomplish this.

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Configure the output of the Django development server

django-logI recently opened up my home dev server for a closed, friends and family alpha launch of my new commerce/community site Now that people besides me are hitting the server, I wanted to see client IP addresses in the dev server output.

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OAuthcalypse Now: Tweeting with Twitter, OAuth and Django

The Twitter OAuthcalypse hit me last week. Back in July, I used Twitter’s basic authentication scheme in a new site I’m working on ( to easily send out tweets via my @wantbox account whenever someone posted a new “want” to the site.

This integration took about 30 minutes to research and implement. All I had to do was put my twitter username and password in my Django project’s file, pip install the python-twitter app into my virtualenv and then use:

from django.conf import settings
import twitter
api = twitter.Api(username=settings.TWITTER_USERNAME, password=settings.TWITTER_PASSWORD)
api.PostUpdate('Someone in 02481 wants "a home gym" %s' % extra_stuff)

The resulting tweet would appear in my @wantbox stream appearing to come “via API”. Easy-peasy.

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Customizing Django Comments: Remove Unwanted Fields

no-commentI recently added comments to a new Django site that I’m working on. Comments pose an interesting problem as they can have a number of “parents”. In my case, the parent might be a user’s “Want” a respondent’s “Have” or possibly another “Comment.”

In the process of researching the best way to architect Wantbox’s comments app, I read about “polymorphic associations“, “exclusive arcs” and Django’s ContentType framework. Using this knowledge, I contemplated recreating the comment wheel, since I wanted my comment form to just be a simple “Stack Overflow-type” comment-only field and not the larger “WordPress-type” name/email/website/comment.

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Django 1.2 Tutorials: Django by Example

pony-magicLooking for some good Django 1.2 tutorials? Check out Django by Example by “andreai.avk”. I just discovered them myself via the django-users group on

When I searched a few months ago for good (and current) Django tutorials, I never ran across this site. Hopefully adding a couple links will help bump it up the Google rankings. The simple blog tutorial is currently ranked #103 for the search “django 1.2 tutorials”, but no other page from the site is in the top 500.

Topics covered include: Django admin customization, comment notification and moderation, thumbnail creation, searching and filtering, and automated testing. Current demos include a To-Do App, a Simple Blog, a Photo Organizing and Sharing App and a Simple Forum.

Let the link juice trickle.

Show a Custom 403 Forbidden Error Page in Django

error_403Creating a custom 404 Page Not Found error page is so easy in Django (all you do is put your own template named “404.html” at the root of your templates directory) that I naturally assumed doing the same for a 403 Forbidden error page would be just as easy. Unfortunately it is not.

After searching around for quite a while last night, I found bits and pieces that I have modified slightly and republished below in a unambiguous step-by-step tutorial (see the “Source and Other Resources” section at the end of the post for a few of the source posts).

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Getting Started with virtualenv (Isolated Python Environments)

virtualenvLike South, virtualenv is a helper utility that I put off using for too long. Looking back, it is so easy to get up and running (just like South, see below) that there is no reason for you to hold off like I did.

In a nutshell, virtualenv is a tool for creating isolated Python environments. This is particularly useful if you host multiple Django projects on a single dev box. As an example, virtualenv allows you to easily work on one site built on Django 1.1 and django-registration 0.7  and another one built on Django 1.2 with django-registration 0.8.

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Getting Started with South (Django Database Migrations)

southIf you have worked on a project in Django, you have undoubtedly discovered that ‘syncdb’ is great at turning your ‘’ files into real database tables but not so great at taking your modified models and altering your database with the new definitions. In fact, the Django documentation is pretty clear about this: “Syncdb will not alter existing tables”.

South is a Django project which solves this problem by providing “consistent, easy-to-use, database-agnostic migrations for Django applications.” Below are the most basic steps for getting South up and running in your project.

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Aptana Studio and “Undefined variable from import: DoesNotExist”

aptana-undefined-variableIn my journey from Java hacker to a Django developer, I’ve test driven a bunch of Python IDEs (ranging from true dev tools like Aptana, Eclipse/PyDev, PyCharm to simple editors like Notepad++).

Recent I was adding some django-profile code I found via Scot Hacker’s very helpful “django-profiles: The Missing Manual“.

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New Django site:

badge-mapTwo of my great passions (OK…obsessions) are web tech and politics. It was just a matter of time before I mashed them together.

Recently, I’ve been diving head first into Django, looking to complement my Java-based toolset with some Python and Django ones.

Last week I launched, a political blog aggregator which is not only my first live Django site but also the spawn of my politics and tech love. Think of it as the popurls of politics. A site which aggregates left-leaning political blogs on, right-leaning blogs on and the whole spectrum of political blogs on

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